Monday, March 2, 2009

page bersawang! but hey,, layout dah tukar! heee. so guys wait for update! :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

i've come to realize....

I've come to realize that, my last ex:
still wear our ring.

I've come to realize that, when I talk:
i never stop :P and often said "xde maknenye" haha

I've come to realize that, I love:
myself, family and friends so much!

I've come to realize that my friends:
are fucking amazing :)

I've come to realize that, I've lost:
those moments and memories :/

I've come to realize that, I hate:
thinking about guys anymore.

I've come to realize that, somewhere, someone is thinking:
bout how to start sending sms to someone ;p

I've come to realize that, I'll always:
love my mom no matter what.and she's the one who support me

I've come to realize that, I'll never:
think bout u anymore :(

I've come to realize that, the last time I truly cried was:
last year. when my relationship breaks up.

I've come to realize that, right now I am thinking about:
my future and work at univrsity!

I've come to realize, that today:
is my 20th birthday.......! huuuuuuuuuuuuuu :D

I've come to realize that, without my family:
there's no me :( i love u guys

I've come to realize that, true love:
would be just right, if it works right. need understanding. supportive. commitment. lovessss u!

I've come to realize that, I like:
no one THE END :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

rihanna rocks KL!

The good-girl-gone-bad and Grammy award winner, RIHANNA, is coming to Malaysia for the first time! Her debut concert, RIHANNA LIVE IN KL 2009 is scheduled for FEBRUARY 13, 2009, FRIDAY, 8.30 p.m. at STADIUM PUTRA BUKIT JALIL. CAN'T WAIT !

Thursday, January 8, 2009

tears in heaven

dont know why aku hari ni asyik nyanyi lagu ni je.. mmg feeling sgt ouh. huhu. hmmmmm okayy, xnak ckp pasal ni. cakap pasal hari ni :)

today aku terbangun lambat! pukul 11! hwaha. actually da bangun da pukul 8 but then pegi tutup alarm so terlajak la. hihi. bangun2 terus kelam kabut mandi siap kemas bilik. kesian kat bah, my senior dah tunggu lama kat college. cuz we supposed having lunch sama tgh hari tu tapi dia dah lapar sgt kot so terpaksa mkn dulu. hee my bad. then sampai2 college bah belanja bubble tea! best2. thanks bah ;) kami lepak2 kejap before nak jumpa en. zul.

to sparrow, adoii sorry la sgt2 x reply massages. banyak jugak. and i feel guilty. sorry :( tapi i dah bagitau kenapa kan. hee

petang tu lepas hantar bah kat shah alam, along call ajak pegi modern dia nak belanja indomee! so ok la aku pun lapar gak time tu. aku suka cakap dgn along ni sbb dia akan ckp pasal 'dunia' n 'akhirat'. even he's a rocker but thinking dia dlm agama mmg bagus and byk benda yang aku x tahu dia dah cerita. so best gak la. and dia ada nyanyi lagu tears in heaven tadi. fuhhh mmg aku boleh nangis la dgr dia nyanyi.. no wonder dia tercalon utk anugerah bintang popular nanti. haha tak boleh tahan ABP. aku gelak sampai nak pecah perut dapat tahu band dia tercalon. besides, aku tumpang happy jugak utk dia ;)

hmmm malam ni ibu takde kat rumah. outstation. anyway tadi aku baru dpt new friend. nak kata new tak new sgt la sbb actually dah kenal lama pun but kami tak contact or whatever. 1st jumpa pun masa kat rtw hari tu dia tegur aku. then he text me petang tadi.. akmal aizat if im not mistaken la nama dia. huhu. so tengku,, nanti aku n amal pegi rihanna jgn marah ye? haha. ;p joking babe!

ha lupa pulak. tadi kan masa aku on the way nak ke kelana jaya, aku nampak ada polis trafik tak pakai helmet? boleh ke? even dia polis? mana boleh kan? hish tak faham aku. nak saman org, tapi diri sendiri tak nilai. malas nak cakap banyak. buat naik angin je. huu

okla tu je kot.. esok xnak bangun lewat lagi sbb dah janji nak bangun awal kat sparrow. haha. malam sempurna, indah bermakna. :) tata

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

"and I hope you'll always stay the same. Cause there's nothing about you I would change"


Hari ni aku pegi saloon. saja rilex2 n buat something dkt rambut ni. so i coloured my hair to copper+dark brown. soft sikit la nmpak. lagi pun saja je nak touch up sikit. so..esok nak bangun awal nak pegi college. selamat malam bulan, moga esok matahari terbit bulan setia menanti. :)

:) Q&A

Can you answer 38 questions about the 1st person that you just got over with. PLEASE BE HONEST. If you can't be honest, don't do it.Don’t change your last person to get over with.
1) What’s their name?
Along Zipzieller
2) Does he or she have a boyfriend/girlfriend??
3)Do you get along with this person all the time?
Nope. Just a normal friend.
4) How old is the person?
5) Has he/she ever cooked for you?
6) Is this person older than you?
7) Have you ever kissed this person?
8) Are you related to this person?
9) Are you really close to him/her?
Not so. but maybe.
10) Nickname?Used to call him
along Hendrix?
11) How many times do you talk to this person in a week?
Before like every single day, now once a week sometimes never
12) Do you think they will repost this?
No, he doesnt have blog
13) Could you live with this person?
Not sure
14) Why is this person the last person to get over with?
Because I think we need to be just normal friend
(15) How long have you known this person??
A months
16) Have you ever been to the mall with this person?
17) Have you ever had a sleepover with this person?
18) If you ever moved away would you miss this person?
Well yes.
19) Have you ever done something really stupid or illegal with this person?
Used toooo
20) Do you know everything about this person?
21) Would you date this person’s siblings?
haha no way.
22) Have you ever made something with this person?
No. but he do. he create a song for me n make it into cd.
23) Is he/she on drugs?
Im not really sure bout it
24) Have you ever worn this person’s clothes?
25) Have you and he/she person made up a hand shake?
26) If it was “freaky friday” would you switch bodies with this person?
Maybe. cuz i love his voice n performance!
27) Have you ever heard this person sing?
Yes. At rock the world.
28) Do you and this person have a saying?
29) Do you know this persons myspace password?
30) Have you and this person ever gotten into a fight that lasted more than 2 months?
Not that long
31) Have you and this person gone clubbing?
32) Do you know how to make this person feel happy?
Used tooo
33) Do you and this person talk alot?
34) Do you like this person?
Yea, like normal friend
35) Has this person yelled at you?
36) Have you and this person got into a fist fight?
Nah. too early
37) Do you want to go out with this person??
yes, we used to hang out at mamak
38) Do you want to be friends with them forever?
of course! :)